Michele Collins Art Painted River Studios
Do you want to know why?
When growing up, pets were my closest friends.
The usual lovable dogs or fluffy cats dressed in doll clothes and pushed around in a stroller.
A gaggle of geese would follow me to the school bus stop every morning, honking and causing chaos with the kids.
And Wallygator, who lived in our bathtub till my Mom came in.
There was the year I wanted to become a Vet, and insisted on raising thirteen guinea pigs in the kitchen
Two ponies Pixie and Dixie, in the backyard ( We did not live on a farm), always ready to perform circus shows for neighborhood kids. Billie, the goat that wore a polo shirt and walk on a leash. A baby pig that went to school for show and tell. Rabbits, hamsters, birds, turtles, and fish, to name a few more.
It was not just the menagerie of pets that caused me to pursue painting animals but the bond and relationship I had with them. Animals both give and receive affection, giving me comfort and security, helping me feel confident in myself. Painting them allows me to continue this feeling.
Want to see more of my work
The June 2021 Rittenhouse Square Fine Art Show will be VIRTUAL!
June 4, 5, and 6 – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
The June show is everywhere and anywhere you have an internet connection! I hope that you’ll visit me during the weekend of the show at my Virtual Booth.
My Virtual Booth:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82268118719?pwd=bnJ2WFZrM05RN0lISWQvcDZxd2o5Zz09
You will be able to visit my Virtual Booth via Zoom during My Visiting Hours (listed below). At that time, you’ll be able to view my artwork, talk with me one-on-one, ask me about my process, and even show me your space where you would like to place a piece of art.
To visit my Virtual Booth, just click on the Zoom link above during my visiting hours. My Visiting Hours are June 4th,5th, and 6th 1 PM to 5 PM If these visiting hours are not convenient for you, please email me: Paintedriverartist@gmail.com to arrange a more convenient time during the weekend of June 4-6. or give me a call and stop by. If this is your first time using Zoom, click on the Virtual Booth link during my visiting hours and follow the instructions to download the Zoom app.
I will also be doing a live Facebook tour of my studio on Rittenhouse Square Art Show page where I will tell you my secrets to using your senses to increase creativity, and you can watch me do a painting. Sunday the 6th at 10 AM
In addition, you can access more information about all the events taking place during the show weekend through the RSFAS website: https://www.rittenhousesquareart.com.
Art Demonstrations in Facebook Live
Artist Instagram Interviews
Virtual Booths
I want to see all of you, this is going to be great. Michele